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Exploring Shanzhongketing: A Serene Mountain Retreat

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Monday, November 20, 2023

Taipei generously gifted us lots of sunshine over the past week, which is rare during its typically wet and cold winter months. With the threat of winter rain looming, we decided to make the most of the last sunny weekend by going on a little afternoon getaway somewhere outside of the city.

Time: March, 2023

Location: New Taipei, Taiwan

@shanzhongketing 山中客廳 (translation: living room in the mountains)

A few months back, I stumbled upon this semi-hidden spot on a photography account and immediately had it saved on my to-be-visited list. That sunny Saturday felt like the perfect timing to go, so we proceeded to reserve a spot the night before and embarked on a scooter journey into the mountains the following day.

Note: run by a friendly couple, they only open on weekends with limited reservation spots, ensuring each visitor feels special and at home.

Cruising up the mountain roads had me grinning from ear to ear. For me, there's no better way to tackle those winding curves than being on a scooter/motorbike, as the wind gracefully navigates each bend and turn.

a few motorbikes lazily parked in the front yard

The afternoon started with coffee, tea, and dessert, surrounded by the company of their adopted dogs and lush greenery. The breeze in the mountains felt so soft and gentle against the skin that it left me pleasantly drowsy as I immersed myself in reading.  

cold brew, litchi hydrosol oolong tea, and chocolate basque cheese cake 

the afternoon sunlight glistened and bathed the land in golden hue

With plenty of outdoor seatings, customers could freely choose their preferred spot-- whether on the chair or there's simply the option to sprawl out on the grass with the dogs for a laid-back experience. After all, the essence of the place is to bring people closer to nature.

first glance when stepping into their abode

The indoor setting welcomed us into a cocoon of warmth and cosiness, heightened by the calming fragrance of incense lingering in the air. As we explored the charming details of the house, pleasant surprises awaited us in nearly every nook and cranny. 
The owners' personal touches included sketches and paintings, along with a captivating photography collection showcasing their lives both before and after marriage. I especially love the slanted doorway that leads to the main coffee bar, adorned with an entire wall dedicated to cherished memories. 

It felt like a spontaneous visit to a childhood friend's place, where the only plan was to lounge on their couch and do nothing at all. Time seemed to stretch endlessly in the embrace of nature. 

As we began our descent down the trail from the mountains, I took another glance at the house; nestled amidst the peaks, it appears like a scene lifted from a whimsical folktale.

Journeyed through this mountain retreat, the seamless blend of nature and hospitality left me feeling refreshed and inspired. Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem that felt like a sanctuary away from the hustle of everyday life? What elements make a place truly special and memorable for you? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, have a lovely day.


Porto, Oh Porto

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Sunday, January 09, 2022

I'm always so late, perhaps too late, when it comes to getting a piece of memory written down. 
There's no other excuse apart from the fact that I think my brain just needs lots of warm up/loading time. So here I am, hard drive plugged in, photos from three years ago all dug out, and I began typing again. Reminiscing on my travels always gives me that bittersweet feeling, the nostalgia I feel from flipping through old photos, and the occasional surprise I get from memories I didn't even realise were there. I crave to be back again one day.

Time: April, 2019

Location: Portal, Portugal

I forgot what exact reason brought me to Porto, perhaps the one thought that "I love Port wine" (was instantly addicted when I discovered it first time in Europe) led to another thought of traveling to where the wine itself originated. Pretty solid reason I think. 

olá, Porto first impressions

Clearly remember having this gut feeling that I was going to fall in love with the city even before I landed, not to my surprise, I was right. The moment I exited the subway station I felt nothing but a wave of joy that rushed through me unexpectedly without a reason, just happiness.

The floor was still wet after a few days of rain, but after my arrival the sun came out. For the next two days it remained bright and clear all throughout my trip, all hail the weather god. I had to drag my not-so-light luggage up these rocky roads, so grateful it wasn't raining.

Made a friend at the hostel and since she didn't have a plan, we decided to roam around and explore freely. Porto's a gorgeous city one could get to anywhere conveniently by foot, just a friendly reminder that it's VERY hilly.

One thing on my to-do list was undoubtedly to go for the famous Pastéis de Nata, egg custard tarts, sounds mouthwatering enough? These little sweet treats have always been one of my favourite desserts and getting to savour them in its place of origin was an opportunity I couldn't miss. We went to Natas D'Ouro by the river, and clinked our glasses. 

my first egg tart and Port combo in Porto (and many more to come)

Then there were more walking (more accurately climbing up and down the hills), one of my favourite things to do when I'm in a foreign city is to walk around town and tour by foot. 

       The roads were steep but the view from the top was incredible, sneakers would be a smart choice of shoes.

first evening sunset in Porto

Dinner was at Brasão Aliados, quite a popular restaurant with a few other branches around the city. The entire place felt very warm and homey with its wooden interiors as well as friendly waiters.

meat, mushroom and truffle Rissol
This must be one of their must-order starters, fried mushroom croquette covered in truffle, how yummy does that sound already? My mouth waters as I'm remembering this unique delicacy.

steak and cheese sauce, and
The main point of coming to this restaurant was for their famous Francesinha, a special traditional dish which one could never miss when in Porto. With so much flavour to dig in, who's to not love a warm steak and ham sandwich covered in gravy and melted cheese AND a fried egg to top off? Scrumptious.

woke up to a sunny city the next morning, view from my hostel window 

nata (eggtart) included in my breakfast, what more to say

When travelling alone I don't usually plan a detailed or solid schedule, basically I'd go wherever my heart or legs desired, very slowly. Many of the historical buildings, architectures, and houses are covered in
 beautifully painted blue and white tiles, Azulejos, spotting them is a fun activity to do in Portugal. Getting a single tile makes a cute souvenir as well.

Igreja do Carmo

the city hall

Praça da Liberdade (Liberty Square) with monument to Pedro IV

São Bento train station
How could I miss said one of the most beautiful train stations in the world? It was super busy, couldn't really tell whether the crowds were people rushing to work or travellers busy hopping from one sight to another. Nonetheless I was in awe of the extraordinarily painted tiles, Porto and its shades of blue.

After the city tour it was time to climb up the bridge, it is double decked so different views could be enjoyed on both the lower and upper level.

kept seeing these cute graffitis while climbing up the hill to the bridge

clever advertisement

up the Ponte de Dom Luís I

It is beyond words to describe the view up there when it unfolded before my eyes, I could barely blink. All I wanted to do was to take in the scenery for as long as I could, and as far as my eyes could possibly reach. Could a city possibly hold so much beauty in itself?

love the orange rooftops

Crossed to the other side of the river bank over the bridge, where all the wineries are located, I sat down by the riverside and enjoyed a little wine tasting and sunbathing session. Not to be dramatic, but my life was basically completed at that point. Literally had that written down in my journal.

Rua da Galeria de Paris

Wandered onto a lovely street in Porto that is said to feel like Paris, I found it charming not because of the resemblance but simply cause of the slow living vibe. With bars and exquisite select shops along the way, it's a perfect place to take a stroll on a sunny afternoon.

Just before sunset I spontaneously hopped on a bus, that was either road 500 or 501, to one of the beaches right outside of Porto, Praia de Matosinhos. Lazily spent the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go home.

My final meal in Porto was at a family restaurant called Taberna Santo António, apparently it's loved by the locals as well. Located on the corner of a street on top of the hill, I remember panting while trying to haul my starving self up there. There was already a line when I arrived so I was glad I already booked a table the day before. Luckily got seated by the window where I could people watch, as well as let people watch me eat.

Pernil Assado (I assume is the correct dish name) and fried cod, with a glass of Port
Most importantly THE FOOD. I could guarantee it is so worth the walk and the wait, still be sure to make a reservation beforehand. Although the restaurant was packed the entire time, I had a pleasant dinner experience. Since I was dining alone, the waiter was sweet enough to offer me small portions of their menus that I wanted to try, even with the desserts. Beyond five star customer service I'd say.

must try their mousse de chocolate, ordered another crème brûlée after devouring both in seconds

To sum up, I had eight egg tarts and at least four glasses of Port during my two-day-stay. Took in plenty of vitamin D and lots of exercising. A truly satisfying and heavenly experience.

Does Porto sound too good to be true? If sweet dessert wine and custard tarts are your kind of thing, I strongly recommend paying a visit to this beautiful harbour city north of Portugal. There's no single reason I'd say no to going back again and I'm looking forward to that day. As always, have a great day and stay healthy.

